Belt Fed squad support was high fashion in the late 1890’s, worn with rich bright silks and tall leather Riding boots. Black or Brown depending on which side of the Empire your on. Although this colorful Machine is considered in the” light class” it’s a little weighty to slip into your purse . At 50 pounds sporting the 75 rd drum I recommend nothing higher than 3 inch heels for battle . For parade maybe a 5 inch wedge with a platform of course unless there’s a march of more than 1 or more miles .
The Machine entered the museum in this state, compete but well used . Loved and hated, if it could only talk would it be about the battles or the parades, the heels or the boots . Was it the sage green or the rich red wool the gold trimmed piping, Which side did the machine serve ? Because at this time (1890-1905) it was state of the Art, both sides carried it . In the beginning one per fire team , 12 fire teams per company later whole companies would be armed stickily one per man . And with all those troops how would you pick a hat that goes with all faces