Wesley A Smith
For better or worse, my identity is shaped by my art. It is my strength; it is not always easy and there are many detours. As an artist, I love to tell stories or share the images that I respond to. Part of the process in creating is spontaneous yet the result of focused response, I keep persevering using the mediums and tools of the trade. I started training early in my life or maybe earlier because there were many artists in my family and both now and in my family history. I was lucky to attend a college that had a great art program. I am very lucky having known, still know and been inspired by so really great Artists. My Vibrant Illustrations and drawing are shaped by the things I love, Aircraft are something I have always loved. Love the desert, now water seems more interesting- but to be fair I always loved the ocean. I find Junkyards, abandon architecture, discarded weathered worn objects. the curves and softness of a woman and the art of fashion. I believe in equal rights for all people all genders and admire and respect people that Don’t follow the crowd. I also am inspired in people who work hard and people who don’t give up no mater what every one else has to say.
I deal with life by making fun of it, Humor is a big part of My work. You have to laugh at life and it's even funnier if you can get someone to laugh with you. The patina of Life is how I see my Sculptures. They are a weaving of broken parts from machines, rusted corroded medal, weathered and worn found objects. Parts of my life and parts of other people's lives, I gather these parts to tell a story.
Another day seeing the world go by in my 52 ft sailboat
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Contact : ewes@comcast.netewes@comcast.net
We all know I’m For the Birds or is it I like to reach new highs or maybe I was never one to follow the gaggle
You know I,m a bit of a night owl