I wished I had a wish machine. Unfortunately it’s analog an unsupported I guess the Genie got me again !
The main micro computer of the wish machine
ANGEL This angel has a physical disability know in the angel world as “Weak Wing Power” or WWP. She overcame her handicap with a twin-row radial engine, fuel injection was added for Inverted flight. This package was completed with a prop having bicycle bearings that spins and with a light wind, with a strong wind will get spinning and get her whole-body rocking!
The following Sculptures were on view in 2021 and remain at the sculpture park which located at The Triangle L Ranch , Oracle Arizona . This ranch presents a display two times a year,local artist various visual art work. The show is known as, The Glow Show.
GLOW SHOW I have been coming to this magical event for Many years and now to take part is a huge success for me . Some of the words I would use to describe this ritual . Mysterious, Delightful, Bewitching, supernatural, enchanted, Empowering, Colorful, Spellbinding. It also represents some really great times hanging with friends and meeting new people.